Naive Realim, Colour Objectivism, and Diaphaneity - PONS Winter Forum, Tübingen. February 2022
Naïve Realism and the Relationality of Phenomenal Character
Philosophy of Mind Visiting Speakers Seminar, Oxford. February 2021
Nordic Property Perception workshop, Oslo (online) March 2021
Constitution and Relation for Naive Realists - Departmental Research Seminar, Durham. Oct. 2018
The Superficiality of Observational Properties
PONS Summer Research Forum, Tübingen, May 2017
Workshop on Observational Properties, Fribourg. September 2017
A New Argument Against Relationalism
Conference on Perception, Cambridge, Queen's College. June 2016.
ECAP 9 (European Conference for Analytic Psychology), Munich. August 2017*
Causation, Constitution, and Naive Realism, ESPP’17, University of Hertfordshire. June 2017*
Indistinguishability and the Superficiality of Phenomenal Character
11th Graduate Conference in Philosophy of Mind, MindGrad’15, Warwick. December 2015*
Brentano Philosophy of Mind Workshop, Tübingen. July 2016*
BELUX6 Colloquium in Epistemology, Luxembourg. June 2016.
Models of Temporal Experience and the Structure of Perception. Conscious experience of time in neuroscience and philosophy, Berlin School of Mind and Brain. October 2014*
Hallucinations and the Motivations for Naive Realism
Geneva-Warwick Philosophy of Mind Conference, Warwick. March 2014
Joint Session of Mind Association and Aristotelian Society, Cambridge. June 2014*
Indistinguishability and Matching Hallucination. ESPP’13, Granada. July 2013*
In Defence of Phenomenal Disjunctivism. Conference on Sense and Sensibility, San Raffaele, Milan. January 2013*
The Scope of Phenomenal Disjunctivism. 15th Graduate Conference in Philosophy, Essex. May 2012*
Phenomenal Disjunctivism: How to Dispel a Puzzle. SOPHA Congress, Paris, May 2012.*
Making Sense of Phenomenal Disjunctivism. Graduate Conference, University of Liège, Belgium. April 2012*
Disjunctivism, Indiscriminability and Phenomenal Characters. ECAP 7, Milan. September 2011*
Sense and Sensibilia: a Forgotten Lesson. J.L. Austin Centenary Conference, Lancaster University. April 2011*
Selected Talks (talks marked with * are refereed)