Journal articles and book chapters:
2021: The Tractability of the Debate on Relationalism', in H. Logue and L. Richardson (eds.) Purpose and Procedure in Philosophy of Perception, Oxford University Press.
2017: "Introduction: Perception Without Representation", with Keith Wilson (University of Glasgow), in Perception Without Representation (edited by Locatelli and Wilson).
2014: “Sense and Sensibilia and the Significance of Linguistic Phenomenology”, in Garvey, Brian (editor) Austin on Language, Palgrave Macmillan. [Download the penultimate draft]
2013: “In Defence of Phenomenal Disjunctivism”, in Phenomenology and Mind, Sense and Sensibility. Empirical and Philosophical Investigations on the Five Senses, Volume4 , July 2013, IUSS Press, Milan.
2012: "Disjunctivism and the Puzzle of Phenomenal Character", in Vieira da Cunha, R., Morando, C. and Miguens, S. (eds.) From Minds to Persons: Proceedings of First MLAG's First Graduate Conference. FLUP, Porto.
2010: “La perception est-elle intentionnelle?” [Is perception intentional?], Europaea, Special issue on the proceedings of the International Workshop “Acte, langage, Inconscient”, 2/2010, Cluj-Napoca.
Edited Volume:
2017: with Keith Wilson (editors), "Perception Without Representation", Guest-edited Issue of Topoi: an International Journal, Springer (papers by Bill Brewer, Berit Brogaard, Jérôme Dokic & Jean-Rémy Martin, Naomi Eilan, Ivan Ivanov, Jenny Judge, M. G. F. Martin, Michael O’Sullivan and Charles Travis available online).
2013: Marco Panza and Andrea Sereni (Ronan de Calan, editor. Translated from Italian by Roberta Locatelli and Ronan de Calan), Le problème de Platon. Une introduction historique à la philosophie des mathématiques, Flammarion, Paris.