I studied philosophy at the Universities of Milan, Paris 1, Warwick, and University College of London, where I was a visiting exchange student in 2012. In 2016 I completed my doctorate in the Philosophy of Mind and Perception at the University of Warwick and Paris 1, within a co-tutelle programme, with a thesis entitled 'Relationalism in the Face of Hallucinations'. I was supervised by Professor Matthew Soteriou at The University of Warwick and Professor Maximilian Kistler at the University of Paris 1.
In my PhD Thesis I examined different versions of the argument from hallucination targeting relationalism, formulated a novel and more powerful version of this argument and proposed a strategy that the relationalist can adopt to address this challenge.
I work at the the Philosophy Department of the University of Tübingen (Germany) since 2017. I was a visiting scholar at the Philosophy Department of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) from February 2017 to January 2018.
I wrote several articles for the general public on the intersection between philosophy, literature, arts and neurosciences, in English, French, and Italian.
When I’m not reading or writing philosophy, I enjoy reading novels and reading about art, playing with my daughter, and sewing.
Here is my CV